125 research outputs found

    Designing Information System To Support Business Process Improvement In A Small-Mid Size Bottled Drinking Water Industry

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    Due to inefficiencies of the business processes in small-mid size of bottled drinking water industries, it is necessary to improve them. The improvements are carried out in business processes of production, warehouse, delivery, marketing, and finance departments. The main causes of the inefficiencies are the inefficiencies of the business process itself and that the business processes of those departments were not integrated. This paper is concerned with designing information system to support for the integration of those departments. First, we mapped the business process of each department using flow diagram. Then analyze the inefficiencies of each department. Next, we redesign the business processes and standardize them. The next step is integrating the business processes by designing the information system. We design the information system modular. The modules are marketing module, production module, logistic module and finance module. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used to model the system. Relational database management system (RDBMS) is used to design the database. User interfaces are built to ease in using the program application. The outputs of the information system are reports and documents in monitor screen view and in printing. The validation showed that the information system designed can support the business process improvements. Keywords: business process improvement, integration, information system, small-mid size of bottled drinking water industr

    An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Commodity under Stock Dependent Selling Rate

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    Economic order quantity (EOQ) is one of the most important inventory policy that have to be decided in managing an inventory system. The problem addressed in this paper concerns with the decision of the optimal replenishment time for ordering an EOQ to a supplier. This Model is captured the affect of stock dependent selling rate and varying price. We developed an inventory model under varying of demand-deterioration-price of commodity when the relationship of supplier-grocery-consumer at stochastic environment. The replenishment assumed instantaneous with zero lead time. The commodity will decay of quality according to the original condition with randomize characteristics. First, the model is addressed to solve a problem phenomenon how long is the optimum length of cycle time. Then, an EOQ of commodity to be ordered by will be determined by model. To solve this problem, the first step is developed a mathematical model based on reference’s model, and then solve the model analytically. Finally, an inventory model for deteriorating commodity under stock dependent selling rate and considering selling price was derived by this research. Keywords: deterioration commodity, expected profit, optimal replenishment time stock dependent selling rate


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    Bahan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat (BKPM) yang diproduksi dari hasil pertanian, sebagai contoh komoditi gula pasir, memiliki disparitas pasokan yang sangat mencolok antara musim tanam dan musim panen. Disparitas pasokan tersebut dapat menyebabkan kelangkaan dan fluktuasi harga sehingga menimbulkan kerugian bagi produsen, pedagang, dan konsumen. Pada studi kasus distribusi gula pasir di Indonesia, ditemukan tiga faktor utama penyebab masalah tersebut. Pertama, jumlah pasokan domestik tidak naik secara signifikan akan tetapi permintaan terus menerus naik. Kedua, terdapat perbedaan jumlah pasokan yang sangat signifikan antara musim panen ketika pabrik gula menggiling tebu dan musim tanam ketika petani menanam tebu. Ketiga, harga komoditas di pasar global lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan harga domestik sehingga pasokan dari pasar global menyebabkan harga di level produsen turun. Jika masalah disparitas pasokan dan fluktuasi harga tidak diredam, situasi tersebut dapat menimbulkan masalah pangan yang kompleks dan berdampak pada kerawanan sosial dan politik. Di sisi lain, pemerintah berkewajiban menjamin produsen agar terhindar dari distorsi harga jual dan mewujudkan ketahanan pangan yaitu terpenuhinya pangan pada harga yang terjangkau bagi konsumen. Fenomena masalah ini dapat diredam pemerintah melalui kebijakan intervensi pasar. Skema persediaan penyangga (SPP) dapat digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk mengendalikan pasokan ke pasar agar harga stabil dan kebutuhan terpenuhi. Untuk itu, penelitian ini membahas permasalahan tentang bagaimana cara menentukan SPP sebagai instrumen program intervensi pasar bagi pemerintah dalam rangka menjamin ketersediaan dan kestabilan harga komoditas pokok yang bersifat musiman. Model-model tentang ketersediaan dan kestabilan harga komoditas pokok dengan menggunakan SPP telah banyak dikembangkan pada penelitian terdahulu. Dari kajian literatur dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (i) metode optimisasi telah digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat ketersediaan persediaan penyangga guna menjamin pemenuhan kebutuhan dari jumlah dan waktu pengadaan; (ii) metode ekonometrik telah digunakan untuk meredam harga dengan menggunakan jumlah dan harga persediaan penyangga; (iii) program intervensi pada umumnya hanya mempertimbangkan harapan produsen atau konsumen, dan (iv) pada umumnya kebijakan pengelolaan SPP hanya melibatkan program pengadaan dan penyimpanan. Dengan pernyataan lain, model-model terdahulu belum melibatkan: (i) opsi kebijakan yang mempertimbangkan harapan pemangku kepentingan, (ii) pengelolaan SPP yang terdiri dari program perencanaan, pengadaan, penyimpanan, dan pengeluaran, dan (iii) sistem intervensi yang memungkinkan pelaku intervensi sebagai pemain pasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan opsi kebijakan saluran distribusi bagi pemangku kepentingan sistem distribusi dan mengembangkan model matematis sebagai alat bantu menyusun kebijakan intervensi pasar. Penelitian ini menghasilkan opsi saluran distribusi dan Model SPP. Alternatif kebijakan intervensi terdiri dari intervensi langsung (direct market intervention/DMI) melalui operasi pasar dan intervensi tidak langsung (indirect market intervention/IMI) melalui fasilitas sistem resi gudang (SRG). Berdasarkan kebijakan DMI dan IMI tersebut selanjutnya dikembangkan model matematis yang terdiri dari tiga model DMI yaitu Model I-a, I-b, dan I-c dan tiga model IMI yaitu Model II-a, II-b, dan II-c. Model DMI merupakan problema NLP yang dapat dipecahkan dengan algoritma sequential linear programming (SLP). Sedangkan Model IMI merupakan problema MINLP dengan kategori NP- hard dimana solusi dicari dengan menggunakan metode enumerasi dan algoritma SLP. Dibandingkan model terdahulu, Model DMI dan IMI berlaku pada kondisi umum dalam hal: (i) tersedianya opsi kebijakan intervensi dan opsi saluran distribusi, (ii) luaran model dapat digunakan untuk pengelolaan SPP yang terdiri dari program perencanaan, pengadaan, penyimpanan, dan pengeluaran; (iii) opsi kebijakan IMI memungkinkan pelaku intervensi secara proaktif sebagai pemain pasar. Dari analisis numerik dan analitis terbukti bahwa model dapat digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat ketersediaan, batasan harga produsen, batasan harga konsumen, jumlah impor, dan menyelesaikan masalah SPP. Dari analisis Model DMI dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (i) dampak dari operasi pasar dapat dinikmati oleh produsen dan konsumen secara langsung dan (ii) operasi pasar dapat mengendalikan perilaku spekulan secara langsung. Dari Model IMI dapat disimpulkan bahwa intervensi dengan fasilitas SRG tidak dibutuhkan modal yang besar. Pelaku intervensi yaitu badan layanan umum penyangga pangan (BLUPP) dapat secara proaktif sebagai pelaku pasar sepanjang periode. Kontribusi utama hasil penelitian ini pada bidang kajian sistem inventori dan distribusi adalah: (i) mengintegrasikan pendekatan model ekonomi dengan model optimisasi untuk penentuan SPP, (ii) mengembangkan Model SPP dengan mempertimbangkan kebijakan intervensi pasar, dan (iii) mengembangkan model kebijakan intervensi pasar melalui suatu agen pemerintah yang secara proaktif sebagai pemain pasar. Kata kunci: disparitas pasokan, fluktuasi harga, intervensi pasar, pemangku kepentingan, persediaan penyangga, stabilisasi harga, sistem resi gudang

    Designing an Open Virtual Factory of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for Industrial Engineering Education

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    Curriculum of Industrial Engineering program must accomplish the requirement that graduates have the ability to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated system that include people, materials, equipment and energy. However, it is not easy to implement a curriculum that fosters such competencies. One of the strategies to achieve that is using an innovative learning media, so that the problem-based learning (PBL) can be accustomed. In this paper, we design a web-based enterprise resources planning. It is aimed to capture the real problem of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in bottled drinking water industries. The integrated system can be illustrated as ERP application that designed by using free open source software (FOSS). This research aimed to utilize the application to improve teaching methods in IE education. The result of the research can be used to improve the competencies of IE students, especially the abilities to identify, formulate, and solve the activities of the business process improvement in SMEs. Keywords Industrial engineering education, FOSS, innovative learning media, problem-based learnin

    An Interactive Web-based Application as Educational Tool for SCM Course by Using FOSS

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    This paper presents the application of free/open source software (FOSS) for teaching and learning one specific topic in Supply Chain Management (SCM) course. In the last few years, there is abundant FOSS for educational tools. However, educator still faces problems to implement such an education FOSS for improving the quality of education i.e. customizing of software function, developing of a specific educational media, and illustrating of a course content. The purpose of this research is to design an educational tool for increasing efficiency in conveying subject matter especially distribution problem. It has a module of real distribution problem in commodity paddy was captured. We crated an interactive Web-based application by using WSDL, PHP and My SQL, and SOAP. The result of the research will be able to improve the pedagogic approach for learning of SCM course. Keywords: Educational tool, FOSS, interactive media, SCM course

    Penentuan Rute dan Jadwal Pengiriman Galon Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) dengan Menggunakan Metode Clark And Wright Saving Heuristic

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    PT. Tirta Alam Tunggon is a company that implement direct shipping system for delivering their products to customers. The company delivers their product to customers in seven area. There are Sragen, Karanganyar, Surakarta, Sukoharjo, Klaten, and Yogyakarta. The problem solving divided into some steps. The first step is identifying time matrix and saving matrix from each pair of customer, The second step is arranging routes with Clark and Wright Saving Heuristic. Sweep and 2-OPT, 3-OPT methods are use to sequence vehicles trip within route. The third step is to calculate the delivery cost. The delivery cost of the two suggested routes being compared. Suggested route with lower delivery cost is analyze further and use to arrange delivery schedule. The last step is analyzing the suggested route and delivery schedule. Suggested route with 2-OPT, 3-OPT method results lower delivery cost than suggested route with sweep method. Besides that, the arrangement of this suggested route already considers vehicles capacity and work time in the factory

    Designing Enterprise Resources Planning Application for Integrating Main Activities in a Simulator Model of SCM Network Distribution

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    Collaborative supply chain is a specific topic in supply chain management and studied by industrial engineering students in supply chain management course. Unfortunately, conventional learning media cannot explain the phenomenon of collaborative supply chain to the students. This study aimed to design a dynamic learning media so that inter-company collaboration and information sharing on the activities of Supply Chain entities can be explained effectively to the students. The problem was solved using 3 (three) steps. First, the distribution network was described using mock up. It consists of miniature trucks, miniature network and miniature of the manufacturer-distributor-retailer embedded with tag and reader of RFID. Second, the Enterprise Resources Planning application was developed for supporting business activities. Third, we developed the integrator consists of monitor’s user interface and practice modules. The result of the research - an SCM-Simulator – will be able to improve learning skills of industrial engineering graduates, especially abilities to identify, formulate, and solve the activities of tactical plan & operational routines of Supply Chain entities. However, distribution module designed is for limited scale laboratory study of simple objects. Keywords: Distribution Network, Enterprise Resource Planning, Industrial Engineering Education, SCM Simulator,and Learning Media

    An Optimization Model for Single-Warehouse Multi-Agents Distribution Network Problems under Varying of Transportation Facilities: A Case Study

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    The transportation cost of goods is the highest day-to-day operational cost associated with the food industry sector. A company may be able to reduce logistics cost and simultaneously improve service level by optimizing of distribution network. In reality, a company faces problems considering capacitated transportation facilities and time constraint of delivery. In this paper, we develop a new model of order fulfillment physical distribution to minimize transportation cost under limited of transportation facilities. The first step is defined problem description. After that, we formulate a integer linear programming model for the single-warehouse, multiple-agents considering varying of transportation facilities in multi-period shipment planning. We analyze problems faced by company when should decide policy of distribution due to varying of transportation facilities in volume, type of vehicle, delivery cost, lead time and ownership of facilities. We assumed transportation costs are modeled with a linear term in the objective function. Then, we solve the model with Microsoft Excel Solver 8.0 Version. Finally, we analyze the results with considering amount of transportation facilities, volume usage and total transportation cost. Keywords: physical distribution, shipment planning, integer linear programming, transportation cost, transportation facilities

    A Facility Location-Allocation Model for Determining Number of Depot to Distribute Material in the Rattan Furniture Industry by Considering Dynamic Demand

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    This paper is a study of a facility location-allocation problem in the rattan furniture industry. There are six production centers (PCs) of rattan furniture in Surakarta and its surroundings. However, their export sales are decline due to some possible problems in raw rattan distribution network from the sources centers (SCs), e.g. Borneo and Celebes Island to production centers. In the previous research, the model was expanded to support local government decide to determine optimal number of depot by consider static demand. This policy is aimed to cut the distribution channel and reduce total supply chain costs. Due to changing of global market, the demand is fluctuate. The previous model cannot anticipate this situation; consequently the local government needs a facility location-allocation model by considering dynamic demand. The objective of this research is to develop a model for supporting the local government to decide optimal number of depot by considers dynamic demand. A mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) was proposed to minimize total supply chain costs. The proposed model assumed that the demand for multiple products is known in advance. The potential raw rattan depot and source locations as well as their maximum capacities are also known. Finally, the proposed model can be used as instrument decision making to determine facility location-allocation. Keywords: dynamic demand, a facility location-allocation model, rattan industry competitiveness, total supply chain costs
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